QUALTIVE - Your QUALity alternaTIVE for online services
Coming Soon...




QUALTIVE offers a quality alternative to the current trend of "cheap, and no support" that seems to be everywhere in hosting, web services, and e-commerce companies.

We started out as a group of "techies" that built web sites, programmed unique online applications, developed web services, and built online shopping centers for our clients.

As time went on we constantly heard our clients bemoan the many problems they were running into with their web service providers (WSP). Most of these WSP's were simply Internet Service Providers (ISP) who "threw in" a bunch of disk space so you could host a website with them. While they were OK at providing access to the Internet as an ISP they just didn't know the first thing about being a good WSP. For instance, if you have ISP customers all downloading files off the internet at once, what performance can you resonably expect to provide for your web customers?

We felt our clients' pain. We wanted to provide a solution. But we knew better than to get caught in the cut-throat commoditized world of ISP's. We asked ourselves, What could we do? Then, we asked our clients. We listened to their wants and their needs. We heard that they wanted an alternative. An alternative to the broken promises of the many "hosting companies" who provide cheap sites, with little or no support. An alternative to the slow response times their customers got when visiting their site. An alternative to never knowing who you're dealing with as the ISP buyouts, mergers and failures kept moving their accounts around. They wanted someone who cared about their business as much as they did. In short, they were looking for something that seems rare today: QUALITY.

And from this was born QUALTIVE, an amalgam of QUALity and alternaTIVE; the two components missing from our clients' experiences with getting their businesses to compete an excel online. This is who we are. This is what we can provide for you.

We combined our skills and we brought more talent on board. We still provide all the web site design, development, and programming as before. But now we also take care of the hosting and service, finding you the best products at competitive rates. We take care of what we know best so you can take care of what you know best: your business.

And now we've teamed up with a world-class marketing firm to provide "end-to-end" services for everyting from ad and logo design, identity creation and promotion, collateral material that helps bond your online with your brick-and-mortar presences, to event management, and more.

Isn't it time you got QUALITY services again? Isn't it time you tried the ALTERNATIVE? Isn't it time for QUALTIVE?

Thank you for visiting. We're still in the process of building this new site. While our site isn't fully available yet, we are!